UN-REDD contributes widely to achieving the SDGs, not only the more obvious goals on climate action (SDG 13) and sustainable forest management (SDG 15), but also more broadly across the whole spectrum of the SDGs.
The different national strategies and action plans, investment plans, NFMSs, deforestation-free commodity-chain partnerships and financial arrangements for the sustainable governance of lands and forests that countries develop, adopt and implement, with technical assistance and policy advice from UN-REDD, are allowing countries to address issues pertaining to the following topics: rural livelihoods (SDG 1); sustainable agriculture (SDG 2);sustainable energy (SDG 7); responsible production and trade (SDG 12); and inclusive governance (SDG 16). In addition, the robust social inclusion approaches that are integrated into UN-REDD support, from stakeholder engagement, to gender mainstreaming, to considering the rights of indigenous peoples, enhance progress at the national level on gender equality (SDG 5) and political inclusion (SDG 10). Lastly, UN-REDD, recognized as the United Nations platform for forest solutions to the climate emergency, is a convener, nurturing innovative and multi-stakeholder partnerships for the sustainable governance of forests (SDG 17).
In 2020, UN-REDD continues to be active across diverse fronts that contribute widely to the 2030 Agenda for Sustain-able Development, while fostering inner synergies, including to the following targets within the SDG framework:
Country-specific examples of how UN-REDD support is advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are found throughout the report, with notable cases from 2020 highlighted below:
Côte d’Ivoire’s ensemble of work on the cocoa-forest nexus, including deforestation-free farming, economically-sound agroforestry models and forest-ecosystem restoration plans, is helping the country advance several SDGs in a substantial and integrated manner, including: SDG 12 (through sustainable farming); SDG 13 (climate mitigation through forest solutions and REDD+); SDG 15 (conserving and restoring forests); and SDG 17 (public-private partnerships for deforestation-free cocoa production).
Indonesia’s Environmental Fund Management Agency (Badan Layanan Umum Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkun-gan Hidup, or BLU BPDLH) has ad-opted MRV improvements and application of international best practice to REDD+ fund distribution, which are advancing, in addition to SDG 13: SDG 1 on eliminating poverty, through improved livelihood options; SDG 3 on good health and well-being, through less fires and smoke and improvements to food security; SDG 17 on partnerships, through joint training and strengthening the International Tropical Peatland Center.